Appendix of Events

Barnes & Noble

Market Common Clarendon, 2800 Clarendon Blvd Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22201

October 22, 2018: Arlington, VA.

The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer was noted as being a romance genre young adult title. Rather than house it in the romance genre section of the bookstore, the series is located under “Teen Romance.”

Barnes & Noble places various stands throughout the bookstore. In this one, the romance genre was incorporated under the “New in Paperback” title. The romance genre titles were mixed in and not their own entity. This may be an attempt to allow romance genre readers to linger near the stand without fear and or to convert readers to the romance genre by slipping into the display among other titles.

The fiction romance aisle is located directly in front of the restrooms. It is understandable that something will be there, but I find it interesting that it was romance. On either side of the entrance, science books lined the walls. It is almost as if Barnes and Noble selected a popular genre (offering people the chance to walk by) and one that probably doesn’t attract too many people. On one hand there is a great deal of foot traffic, but on the other hand the location is not ideal due to the implications.